| - My husband and I went to our local Barnes and nobles with his new Nook, and my almost new one. It was Sunday, so I asked about their buy one get one promotion. The person helping me didn't know what I was speaking of (it is posted in their entry way), I found a manager, who looked in the computer, and said, this week is mostly self help. I had just bought a book, wanted to see if I could get a second, was told you have to use a list, but it seemed no one has seen or could produce a list. Back to getting the Nooks more functional. The person helping didn't really know how to use one, but if I come back on Thursday, someone will know how to help me.
I love the store, it is bright and cheery, and the coffee smells great, but the Nook service in the evening, and weekends, is less than satisfactory. It is almost in my back yard, so will still go, but I might have to take an aspirin first. I am missing just reading on paper.