This review is solely on the customer service from the Lost and Found and front desk regarding my missing item.
I had checked out and forgot my foam roller (a workout device), I realized and called back. I was transferred to the Lost and Found department and had to leave a voicemail. I did not receive a call back after calling twice so I drove back. The receptionist said that she didn't find it, called lost and found and they said they received my voicemail but didn't find it so they didn't call me back. ARE YOU KIDDING? I specifically asked in my voicemail to give me a call regardless if they found it or not. Wasted my time and effort in coming. The receptionist did nothing to make me feel better about my item being gone. I didn't catch her name but her name tag said Phillipines, she was horrible. I expressed that my item is valuable and very important to me, the least she could do was ease my frustration but instead she looked stuck up and could've cared less.
This experience seriously ruined my thoughts of this hotel. I feel like my item was kept by housekeeping or they threw it away because they didn't know what it was.
For the future, if a customer asks for a call back..CALL THEM BACK! And tell the front desk people to not be rude and show some empathy. Us customers are already spending a lot of money staying, yes I forgot my item but I expect it to still be there considering I remembered a few hours after. Shame on you SpringHill!