Don't waste your time or money signing your kids up for swim lessons here. The instructors are over-classified lifeguards. I doubt they have any experience teaching someone else to swim at all. I put my two kids, 2 and 4, in two 2-week sessions each. After the first session they got told they "passed". The following week they were supposed to move up to the next level (which oddly was doing the same exact activities as the level they had just completed) and then after the first day one got bumped back down again because she got cold and got out of the water. The instructor never told her to stay in at all. Of course I made her get back in but then he felt she needed to move back down a level. My older child could already swim underwater and without flotation at all before these lessons and yet during the first day "evaluation" they had them kicking on the edge of the wall and swimming with the instructor while she held a kick board and led them around. It didn't get much better the following days either but I'd already paid the money. Then, they rescheduled a lesson that was to occur on the 4 of July since it was a holiday for a Friday at 10:15 am or 11 am. Hello, I put my kids in 5:15 sessions because I work for a living. Why wouldn't the make up day be at the same time or close to it?! Not only that but a session got cancelled after 5 minutes because of lightning (ok) and they were supposed to refund and surprise, surprise, never did. All around waste of money and my kids have regressed in their swimming skills. At $100 for 8-1/2 hour sessions it was a complete waste.