Coming here at noon on a Sunday with the GF, I had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at our choice to stop here. All the usual players were present (you know what I mean) as we walked through this store. It's set up different from others I have visited and I must admit it was a tad refreshing. When we getting ready to punch out, a very nice checker asked if we were ready. I looked up and noticed it was the express, twenty item line. Having not kept count and not wanting to participate in any sort of anarchy, I politely said I think we had more items then twenty. She said it alright as she had no one in line. WOW! As fate would have it, no one came in behind us as she checked twenty-one items. With a totally different given it's location in "North Town" this has the makings of being my most favorite Walmart in the valley!