Good Taste Casserole Rice indeed. My favourite place in Markham for some solid Cantonese food. Best rice noodle I have ever tasted, way more authentic than all the top dim sum places in Markham. I consistently go back there every weekend for my Sunday brunch. All I can say about the food is that it is absolutely incredible: fresh and delicious.
As a frequent customer I have learned a few tips about this place:
The stewed soups are good, but they haven't been seasoned. You'll have to add salt to yours or it'll be quite bland.
The store is also quite small and is extremely packed on the weekends and during popular meal times. It's conveniently located in the New Kennedy Square plaza so expect a hard time finding parking. I always order by phone then pick it up when I get there and I suggest you do as well.
Amazing food, though. Honestly, the food triumphs all of the aforementioned shortcomings. Good Taste Casserole Rice is more like Great Taste Casserole Rice in my opinion!