| - Being a native Phoenician I have attended many shows at the Clubhouse Music Venue in Tempe; winter, summer, sold-out, very few people, weeknights, and weekends. Although they tend to get a variety of music acts rolling through there, the sound always leaves something to be desired or the listeners deaf. For many years, being underage, I was forced to stand in the front, which can give a great experience being that the speakers are in your face, you're surrounded by others who are so "into" it they actually dance, and (when I was 17) be able to "make eye contact" with the guy who is usually serenading you in your bedroom on your boom-box. Now that I'm older and don't like to sing along to every word but actually play music myself and am more interested in what they are doing, the sound, and environment it gets a little hard to be so easily gratified. In the back, where I can actually hold my drink and check things out, you can hear anything but vocals; such a turn off! Another reason I'm standing in the back, is there are SO many people in there I feel claustrophobic just looking at the mass of people ahead of me. On that note, there is no AC, none at all. Clubhouse, step it up and put down on some AC. I think I saw some fans set around the bar too, that weren't even on. Lastly, no one likes to move in the back. We're all kind of in the lights of the bar, making it hard for those who are there to see and be seen stop talking and starring and start actually appreciating the reason they came (music). Oh and one more thing $6 for a miller lite from a bucket of ice (cash only) or $4 for a tall boy of red stripe (through the mass of people waiting at the understaffed bar)...enough said.