| - Not a true beer connoisseur, so I ordered my stand-by Corona Light...and it was perfectly chilled and served just bottle (no glass) with a healthy looking lime (too many bars, restaurants serve them dried out or tinged w/ brown, bleck!). 50 points to Gryffindor!
Hot wings were okay, not on par with the Vine or Zipps, but serviceable and I would order them again. Maybe order 1 stop above hot because they weren't hot. Nearly every other place not the Vine or Zipps I would never order wings again, so 25 points to Gryffindor for the wings.
Shepherd's pie tasty. Have truly not had enough to know if RT's is any good, but I liked it. Hubbie's chicken sandwich looked good too and I think he liked it.
RT's is big, w/ tons of TVs, including one at your table. WIth that viewing potential, we will be checking it out when football starts back up. If it lives up to the viewing potential, it will be a great place to alternate with Zipps.