| - I would also give them a zero. I am not sure how they were able to remove my previous review, but I had an experience with them that was similar to Ken's, only I noticed that they ruined my husband's pants before I paid. When I asked him whether he could fix it, he claimed they were "old pants" and that it was just the type of fabric that caused the white bleach-like spots all over the pants. These were brand new Tommy Bahama golf khakis, not "old pants."
Then, he acted like he could not understand me or speak English all of the sudden. Maybe he forgot our conversation a few months earlier when I came in to get a quote for cleaning my curtains. He seemed to speak English perfectly, and at-length, that day.
When I said I would not pay for the pants and that he should compensate me for ruining them, he got extremely angry and physically chased me out of the store into the parking lot. (I am a woman, about 5'5, so that was pretty intimidating.) He proceeded to basically pin me up against my car, grabbing for the pants. I yelled into his store, asking if anyone would help me or stop him- women working for him were watching all of this unfold and doing nothing.
Finally, as I told him I would sue him for assault if he touched me again, a woman came from across the parking lot and asked if I needed help. He turned away long enough for me to get the door open and get into my car. I then got a statement from the woman and called the police.
This man is a maniac and a TERRIBLE dry cleaner. I would picket outside of his store if I had the time. He assaulted me in broad daylight and ruined my husband's new pants. He didn't suffer any consequences for this erratic behavior.