All I can say is the food sucks. I visited two other burger places recently in Madison based on recommendations and they were great!!! Dotty's was terrible. I honestly have no idea how the hell this place got a good review. A coworker of mine who went to Wisconsin, also thought the food was ok, while another (who I now question his taste and intelligence) thought the burgers were good. All I can say, is that the other burger places I went to, were much, much better. I don't give harsh reviews unless the place deserves it. Well Dotty's is just no good.
Well, I visited Dotty's for the second time because the cooks at Dotty's promised they didn't wipe their asses with their hands before they made my burgers. Unfortunately, they lied. I got sick again. Screw you Dotty's. Your sucks balls and made me sick. Twice. I'm a tax attorney & was a former assistant DA in Milwaukee. I want to sue you clowns in small claims so bad right now. Shut done & go out of business. Jerks!!!!!