| - Last May I had become suddenly ill and lost my balance.
I live in Los Angeles, and since the Mayo Clinic in Rochester had been such a incredible institution we mad the grave error of going to the one in Phoenix which carries the Mayo name. Alas, it has no resemblencte to the one in Rochester.
The Phoenix Mayo, is an ordinary, money making corporate institution, which has forgotten the principles on what the Mayo brothers had founded the hospital originally and is a slick organization.
Yes, there was one lady by the name of Tate Henry, who was kind and attentive however, when it came to billing department,I do believe that the Mayo in Phoenix is completely mercenary. Mrs. Henry was powerless.
I have medicare and supplemental insurance. Blue cross clearly stated that they would be willing to pay provided that the coding was corrected. Which basically meant that I did not go for a regular, nor preventive care. That the fact was I had no balance and was in a wheel chair, being taken in by Mrs. Henry and that the doctor in Phoenix Mayo who saw me wanted to rule out that I had suffered a stroke, etc. did not seem to matter.
Blue cross stayed on the conference call to Mayo and explained that because of their coding, Medicare had refused to pay, thus making Blue cross unable to pay. Yes, the onus fell on me. Nearly a year into this Mayo Phoenix will not correct the billing, thus making my providers unable to pay and insisting that I pay.
The decency of Medicare through all this has been incredible. Every time, that I have called, they have actually taken an interest in the human being and are trying to do something.
Mayo Phoenix will not. Please make sure that if you are considering the Mayo Clinic avoid the Phoenix name only institution. They have none of the principles of the Rochester. They are interested in making money. They are unclear at the start, and basically are a less then an honorable institution.
I wanted to let others, who like me, may consider the Phoenix institution because of proximity must avoid them at all costs. They have nothing in common with the Rochester Mayo. Having one good person in a institution does not mean that that you will not be tossed aside when it comes to money and looking and hiding behind implementing errors. Yes, they say they are obeying the rules. That is what they said while marching human beings to the gas chamber.