| - My admiration and appreciation for Dr. Perozek grows with each new visit. I've been having lots of different problems with my eyes, none serious, but each requiring a visit, and sometimes a follow-up. So I've seen him a lot recently.
Last week we discussed an eye surgery that I've been putting off for a few years. It's obvious that Dr. Perozek's concern is more for the patient than for making money. He knows how insane my night owl schedule is, and told me that he'd be happy to do the surgery, but I'd be happier if I had another doctor do it. The reason? I'd have to show up at 6:30 a.m. for him to do it, and then return almost as early the next day for the follow-up. The other guy works much later in the day, sometimes into the evening, and that would be a much better fit for me. He said that would have no problem recommending the other doctor.
I've always been pleased by the way the office is run: almost never a wait, no pressure to buy glasses there, and great, competent staff and doctor. At the very beginning I, too, found him a bit aloof, but time has changed that to friendly and personable. And this latest experience has shown me that he is really a mensch.