My GF and I went to Joey's after driving by it for years, but never taking the plunge. To say we were shocked when we stepped insided was a mucho understatement-o. The fucker was empty. It was a wednesday night, and it was kinda early (6:30pm) but I expected more than just us and the smattering of blue hairs that were seated.
I don't wanna come off as an ass hat; the staff was super friendly, but this place was downright C R E E P Y - some would say the decore inside was dated , I'd say it felt like I was sitting in my grandma's living room. The lights were off in half the restuarant ( that's not good) , and the A/C was on the fritz . (or they don't believe in a/c?) It wasn't swelteringly hot inside, but whaterver cooling system they had running could not keep my swamp ass at bay :(
Lastly, the the food. While hot and ressembling standard issue italian chow, was off in a "alternate dimension kinda" way. Like a Bizzaro Pizza. Yeah. I felt oogy after I ate it. Avoid the regular ice tea, it's olive flavored. olive.