Upon walking in the doors of AGAB (this is how I will refer to it because I'm too lazy to write Antique Gallery At The Bijou) I was hit by the odd smell of cigars and mothballs - an interestingly unpleasant smell to say the least. The most unsettling thing about the smell is that I'm pretty sure no one was smoking a cigar.
Anyways, this large antique shop sits along a strip of other antique stores that are only open at odd times during the week. This is one of the larger stores along this strip and is filled primarily with large furniture and lighting. There are some interesting antiques but most are those you look at and can appreciate for their oddity or intricacy rather than actually wanting to put them in your own home. Large peacock-shaped chairs and gaudy buffet tables are the norm in this store. I find most of the stuff here more like what you'd expect to find in the home of a 90-year-old antique collector rather than a young, modern collector with taste. I can appreciate the craftsmanship of much that is in here but it is not what I'd consider to be 'timeless'.
AGAB is a 2-story antique shop that is densely packed with stuff. The stairs are very steep so the choice to venture up near the rafters may not be for the faint of heart. I felt that given the quality of the wares at AGAB, the prices were extremely high. This seems to be the norm at the shops along this strip so I was no longer aghast when I saw a table that was $500 more than what it should have cost in a place where prices were fair market value.
The gentleman who greeted us at the door was somewhat abrupt (perhaps due to the fact that my children were with us) and didn't make it seem like a friendly place to shop. I don't think I would go back here. There are better antique shops in CLE with much nicer stuff at better prices.