I can't wait to go back here!! Over the Winter School break I love to explore new places. For a foodie like me, that enjoys cooking from scratch and often feeds larger crowds herself, US Food will be a go to place. Prices aren't remarkably cheap just reasonable, especially for often used items with out a lot of fuss. the big quanity is a plus. Envision a larger Smart and Final with a huge freezer and refridge area. If you are hosting or catering large parties this is the place for you.
Here are some of my favorites:
Wide variety of frozen fish and crusteceans decent pricing
Frozen Brussel Sprouts - $3.99 for a large bag
Frozen Peaches 5lbs for $12.99
5 lb cans of Ghiradellli Hot Chocolate White and Regular $11.99 a can
Large packs of colored napkins for reasonalbe prices
Wide Variety of Spices in large quanities similiar to packaging at Smart and Final but much ,much more! Glad to have found it and excited to use it's resources. Check it out and let me know what you think.