My heart is now filled with joy and happiness. What for, you may ask. Since moving out to AZ last year from Southern California (don't say Cali, that's in Colombia) I haven't been able to find a donut shop unless you want to call Basha's a donut shop.
While driving down Arizona Ave one morning, the familiar smell of sugary goodness wafted into the open window of my car. DONUTS! Pulled a U-turn and wept with joy. All the familiar offerings were there. The apple fritters and cinnamon rolls the size of man hole covers, chocolate long johns, even the plain raised cake. I ordred an apple fritter and a raised cake. Absolutely, positively heaven in a little, white greasy bag!
Go early because they only make so many of the bigger apple fritters and cinnamon rolls. The only "complaint" is that the coffee is nothing more than hot water with a brown crayon dipped in it to give it that coffee color. More cowbell!