Unfortunately, as much as I L O V E Starbucks, I can not give this particular one more than two stars. Actually Id like to give it one but thats somewhat contradictory to my love for Starbucks in general. So its a two. And why you might ask.... well I have written another Starbucks accolade here on Yelp and it is in regards to the use of venti or trenta cups for something other than a venti or trenta drink. I love green tea, but have you ever gotten the really dark color one that looks like they made it last night and are now serving it to you today? Tea that is so dark and strong I dont like very much. If I did I would order black instead if green. Anyways, so I always order a grande green tea in a Trenta cup (at my starbucks on Rainbow). However, the Fort Apache Starbucks complained about how expensive the cups are for the Trenta (may I remind you that the refills are 50 cents and I do bring my own cup in most of the time) and told me I could not have a grande in a trenta for this reason. Somehow this doesnt seem logical to me. They want to charge me 2.90 something for water and ice ----- however you can get a trenta sized ice water for free??? excuse me? Nevermind, Rainbow said theyd give it to me in a trenta anytime I want ;)