First of all my disappointment in the time it took pales in comparison as to the anger I felt when a staff member accused me of stealing someone else's drink. So I was on my way to surprise my boyfriend at his placement and saw this on my way and decided last minute to drop in & if the lines short I'll pick up some drinks to surprise him with. The line had 3 people and no one on the sides waiting for pick up so I thought cool, 7-10 minutes tops. Well I could see that the person in front was kinda annoyed about the wait and I just assumed that the person ordering was probably just indecisive on what to get but over all took like a few minutes to order. At this point there was ONE barista in the back and ONE on cash the other worker was doing some cleaning ... slightly understaffed especially considering I was there at 4:45ish (almost rush hour time) When my order was taken they didn't ask for my name & I didn't realize so I went to wait & I knew what I ordered so it's fine when the drinks came after they took and extremely long time to be made (it was 5:05 and my boyfriend finished placement at 5 so surprise ruined) a girl behind me said she ordered that drink... like yeah you probably did but I ordered first so I proceed to get a trey and put straws in my drinks and then the guy working there called out to me and said miss you picked up someone else's drink and I said I ordered this and he tried saying so did she and the girl that took my order remained silent. I was ready to ask for a full refund at that moment but obviously my boyfriend has been waiting for a while now. In conclusion, I felt very disrespected. There are high schools around so I get that they think maybe I'm a kid trying to steal drinks but get your facts right before you call out to the entire store.