I was sooo excited to finally make it to Reigning Doughnuts. I literally watched as they developed the location, painting and adding the shudders. I love treats and sweets and fresh and local. I love johnny on the spot goodness that promises to make me feel delighted all over. Also as a former New Jerseyan with frequent ties to NYC I really look forward to eating at establishments to focus and specialize in one particular thing. Reigning Doughnuts does not disappoint. The doughnuts are fresh and warm and leave you with this distinct nostalgic feeling only a delicious sweet treat can give. I got about three doughnuts because I am a chocolaholic and all I ever want is chocolate. But the doughnuts themselves were so soft and yet a little firm inside, the glaze was milk choc-lately goodness and because the doughnut is warm the chocolate seeps into the freshly fried dough. Because the doughnuts were individual and placed in different little bags, I enjoyed licking chocolate glaze off my fingers when I finished. This was an amazing experience. It was early Sunday morning and there were a few people in front of me in line which added a little wait time. I would have enjoyed the opportunity to sit in some chairs and people watch as I waited.