wow! this place is freaking huge!! saturday night and the long is ridiculously long! but we were sooOoo damn fortunate to bump into our old middle school friends in front of the line and they let us cut!! (and the bouncer was okay with it.. kekeke) cover is $20/girls $30/guys... i didn't wanna pay cover but what the hell i wanted to check the place out..
i like the whole outdoor thing with the pool. but i guess it wouldn't be too nice during the winter.. haha.. one thing that i love love love about it being part outdoors is that you dont suffocate with all the cigarette smoke (like tao) AND there were plenty of places to sit and rest your feet.. dipping your feet in the pool also helps.
theres tables in the center to gamble.. which i thought was kind of weird.. who wants to pay cover to go gamble at $50 minimum tables? ehh.. i guess its for the guys who got dragged to go clubbing lol
the only downside is that the bar gets wayyyyyyyyyy crowded