| - RUN, don't walk to somewhere else. The waiting area is filthy and disgusting. Don't believe me, go take a closer look at the filthy couch and trash in the pick-up wait area. You know the kitchen can't possibly be cleaner and, it isn't.
They outright lied about wait times. After already waiting 1hr to pick-up food, they tell me just 10 more min., then 5 more min, then 5 more. After a extra half-hour of waiting around in this shit-hole back alley/receiving dock location at a value village strip mall location, that should have been bulldozed during the last economic boom, I left. no food and a total loss of appetite from the filth witnessed.
I guess if you get delivery, you don't see what I did, but I urge you to go see a closer look for yourself. I doubt you'll ever touch this place again, let alone any of their food.