Do not get a membership with massage envy!
You can read from my experience from before.. but here's a new one, my membership was suppose to end last month.. However, I checked my bank account today and guess what.. they are still pulling payments!
So I called figuring they once again screwed up my account, but apparently your "year-length" membership actually would last a lifetime unless you send in a e-mail or letter asking for it to end.. Which is kind of dumb.. especially since they tell you this once when you sign up, and they send home your contract on the same day you sign up (a year ago).. and then they never mention it again... even when you ask, "When is my membership over?" They'll tell you what month, but won't remind you about the cancellation policy.. So much for feeling the warm fuzzy feeling of being called a "member.." So yes this is my fault for not remembering what was said last year, and keeping my flyer of a contract.. but it is also partly theirs for having no professional customer service.. that's what you get with a chain! (I now understand why people hate chains so much)
So massages are still good, but what is the point when the front desk leaves you with nothing but stress..?