Back in night shift working days, me and the crew always headed down to Bottlescrews on our days off because our sleeping schedules synchronized and we hated hanging out with "daywalkers". Within 6 months I destroyed my liver trying to attempt Bottlescrew's "Around the world in 80 beers" but couldn't never get my moon-tanned hands on those rare beers they never seem to have in stock. It definetly takes a whole years worth of unquestionable patronage to Bottlescrews if one ever hoped to achieve this feat.
Aside from this, I've always liked coming to Bottlescrews, however rare it has been these years. In my recent visit, I noticed a significant change in their menu. Instead of the usual pub safety items like steak sandwhich and mash potatoes, I ended up trying a kobe beef burger. It wasn't bad but I have to say I've had better. On another night I had a smoked salmon and quinoa salad which was delicious.
The athmosphere is great, except during stampede time. It gets a little busy and they try to cram as much people as they can into the small space. They'll also serve you beer in a plastic cup...hey I'd like some class here please! Aside from this spring time and summer are great times because this is when they open up their patio. People watching can be an interesting experience on Friday and Saturday nights because every species of night creature are out and about in 10th ave.