I went back inside the RNRT (The owner Jerry was not in.)
Oh wow a nice young man greeted me at the door. I looked all over the shop and even took pictures. OMG I have to tell all of you that I now give the RNRT five stars. I will be back to get a tattoo maybe in June. This place is filled with cool pictures and very sweet art work. I will tell you all if you can dream it or draw it even bring in a picture these people can tattoo it up for you. I was given all the attention in the world it felt like home. The New Staff are very Professional did I say I ran from here and their taking pictures and looking at tattoos. I will bring friends & family to the new RNRT. I like any place that is professional & is extra clean this shop is immaculate I invite everyone to stop in and meet the new staff and pick out a crazy cool new tattoo or cool T-shirt.