| - I must have caught this place on a bad day, yesterday. When I entered, the first person I saw I smiled, said hello and she looked at me and walked into another room without even a smile at me or acknowledgement in any way. Then, another woman came out from the back to help, she seemed nice and happy to see me. I guess I should have walked out right at that point, but she was really being helpful and welcoming. I bought a krispy treat for myself, one for my mom and a pecan bite. The pecan bite was out of this world good, so I was excited to try my krispy tonight after dinner. Now, I'm really wishing I had walked out after the first rude woman. I got about halfway through the krispy and when I looked down and saw a hair on the top stuck in the frosting. Before anyone suggests that it might be my hair, I do not have curly, blonde hair. I would have called the place right away, but they will not be open for 2 days and I'm not going to keep a hair krispy in my home. Not only did I throw that krispy away, but the one that I had bought for my mom. Needless to say, I'm a bit freaked out with wondering if I ate someone else's hair and the fact that I'm now out money for food I won't eat. It's very unlikely I would return here, which is too bad because I thought I might have found my nearby bakery.