Total Who?? I've never been to Total Wine and had never been into 201 Central in Weddington. I've actually attended a class at the 201 in Huntersville as they tend to have a lot of FREE cooking and wine classes when online looking and this location don't seem to have any.
I was at my neighbors this weekend chatting and she showed me this Strawberry Apple Cider and said she grabbed it at this 201. I shared that is never stepped foot in this place which is conveniently located 3minutes from our home in the 3 years we've lived in this area and built our home. So TODAY was he day I wanted to pick up that cider to sip on and watch movies with my husband so we decided to check this place out.
As soon as you walk in its like Wine heaven even with a bar strategically placed at the entry with welcoming seating and signage. We immediately observed the sign about $2.00 wine on Saturdays from 5-9pm which was exciting. My husband and I walked the entire store and made it to the section to grab the cider and was excited about all this store has to offer.
We checked out the class and asked for a schedule and as I knew this place does classes only once a month or every other month and they don't decide on the classes until the week before so no real time to plan or anticipate which is the biggest CON for me with this place. The Huntersville location has classes every other week if not weekly and I'm not sure why this location wouldn't follow suite with the huge population we have will all the new homes and communities and people.
The place even has a Humidor which is a plus for our son GodFather who is a cigar connoisseur and when he visit we now have a place to take him to get both his favorite which is cigars and beer :-)
I anticipate this place to increase their class offerings and entice more patrons such as ourselves.
Almost had a 5star but that one flaw ruined it.
P.S the customer service was pretty stellar but keep in mind this was from one visit in sure we will be back soon so we will see if they are consistent.