This place deserves zero stars for costumer service . I was in town, visiting my brother ; we drove 50 km to get Persian "kalbas" from this place. We had other options but my brother recommended this one. At the store we asked the girl who was gonna slice the kalbas if she could open a new roll as the roll she was about to slice was almost at the bottom and probably old . The girl nicely agreed to open a new roll for us. While she was slicing the roll we browsed around and picked other items . When we got back to the girl we noticed she had sliced the old one and some of the new one. My brother nicely reminded the girl that she had agreed to not cut the old one. We nicely told the girl all she had to do at the beginning was to be truthful at the beginning and simply tell us she had to slice the old one, and we would walk away . The girl called the store owner who was very rude, and told us we could walk away, and he didn't need our business, He asked me not to talk, because he only wanted to talk to my brother!!! This place doesn't deserve your business. They also have a LOT to learn about Canadian costumer service !