I have bought two cars from this dealer and have also sent two people in to buy cars. My experience was not bad but I was supposed to be getting two $100 referral check for the two people I sent. Never got my first check but that was a few years ago. But this last person I sent in was almost a year ago and I still have yet to see a check. I call every other week to check up on it and I'm always getting another excuses why I have not received my check. Here is just a few of them: manager had a heart attach, check printing machine is broke, lost in the mail, haven't had time, check writing department is closed for the day, and more. Excuse after excuse. I'm sick of it and will never be back. Stinks for them being that I buy a new car every few years and have been loyal to Mazda for my last three. Looks like I'll be going to Berge Mazda. If your curious who I've been dealing with it is Al Lanz and Thomas Michael but I'd avoid this dealership all together. They are horrible and full of lies. CardinaleWay Mazda, I really hope you get your act together. Your making Mazda look really bad.