Absolutely terrible. The overweight, ugly, disgusting 'manager' of the store - I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman - sees that my check engine and ABS lights are on because my sensor chip in my car is messed up (note: The car is just fine. I take it to a mechanic every 3 months or less), and STILL charges me $20 without even conducting the full test. In fact, she knows it's going to fail the whole time and does it anyways. This place is a scam and this location in particular - I'm filing complaints with all of the offices, both written and verbal (ADEQ) and I hope that this location in particular is shut down and that the 'manager' (who didn't wear a name tag, which is either out of shame or the sure sign of a scam) is FIRED.
Private functions need to replace all State functions within the next 5 years. Scottsdale, we can be first - let's kick public industry out of our city.