When choosing to get a massage here, it is important to know that you are going to a corporate 'chain' massage establishment. If you do that, your expectations will {most likely} be met. Keep in mind that you are by no means going to a 5 star resort or day spa and the quality + service of Massage Envy are definitely not at that level. I've never bought a membership to Massage Envy {But my boyfriend has had a ton of problems with his!}. Most of my massages have been transferred from friends or my boyfriend, so for $10, I don't have much to complain about! However, I will say that if you are going in for a 90 Minute massage, it will most likely be a 75 minute {or less, depending on how long they make you wait before coming into the room to get started.} I waited for 10 minutes under blanket yesterday {felt like FOREVER} and then she stopped 5 minutes early so that I could get changed! This is honestly a big reason that has kept be from buying a membership, along with never knowing the quality of your therapist. I would say 2 times out of 5, I leave a happy camper.
Warning: Do not get a membership unless you TRULY know that you will use it every single month. Otherwise the massages stack up and you may lose them if you don't use them in time. Yes, you will lose massages that you have PAID for. It is crazy!