A friend of mine were going to watch champions league soccer. When i stepped in, it had a great english atmosphere. The female bartender was very nice and pleasant.
I was shocked at the lack of TVs and not having all TVs on a Champions league game , as i arrived at 11am , when games start at 1045. I was shocked that a so called english pub would not be prepared to have every TV not airing
When i say this , i say the following 100% truthfully. I never in 5 years have had extreme gas and diarrea eating at any establishment, let alone my EDR at work.
I ordered the burger and it took time to prepare as it took sone time for another patrons food. Hence im thinking this is the care cooks took in preparing food.
Within 15 minutes of finishing my meal i had to use the restroom and extreme runny diarrea . My friend even asked if i was ok. I left and on the way home i had to pull over and again had extreme diarrea. As this lasted through the night. UPDATE , my gas has subsided and it no longer causes me to run to bathroom
Overall the experience sucked , except for the ambiance and waitress, who i might add did not thank for the tip.
I would like a response from the general manager explaining why food was served that caused extreme diarrea and gas, as i never had this in 45 years let alone 5 years in vegas.