I've lived here for about eight months now an I must say I like the amenities an features but I really dislike the fact that I've had a few problems.
My first problem is that I've had children jump onto my patio an toss rocks which hit my sliding glass door. Management has does nothing to fix these problem due to the fact 1) they an myself don't know the children's names 2) (rocks) I had my blinds closed but didn't see whih child actually
threw the rocks.
My second problem is my upstairs neighbors. I moved into my apartment in July. Ever since my upstairs have been stomping an banging constantly. I didn't start to complain until late August. I've even talked to them personally an it has yet to cease. I've told management multiple times an have even resorted to calling the police a few times. Management still has yet to do a thing about it an I really don't think they are going to.
My third issue is all the teens that sell drugs around the complex an they don't even live here. It's like management has no control whatsoever an they let these kids run free. I've been a childcare professional for about 6 years an this is the worst case of parents not watching their children I've ever seen.
My last complaint is that they add all these extra fees to you're rent when they send you you're bill. Extra water charges , garbage fees, an bill processing fee. In California where I'm from they don't pull this crap they give you a price to pay an thats the set price every month. Not the case at this complex.