This store is a dump.
I went here to do what everyone else goes here to do: buy inexpensive clothes. There is plenty of that, but that's not the problem. The place is just a toilet. The clothes were packed on the racks on flat hangers which results in them being damaged before you can even wear them. There's items laying on the floor with employees stepping over them instead of picking them up. And the fitting rooms! There were hundreds if not thousands of pins on the floor half embedded in the dirty carpet. You have to keep your shoes on lest you'll get stuck with a pin and that's one thing you do not want to happen in this gross place!
I realize the clientele of this place is fairy hazardous (lots of face tattoos and muffin tops), but thats no excuse for a filthy, unkempt store. Never again. I'm happy to spend a couple of extra coins and go to a store where people care about cleanliness.