My in-laws were visiting for dinner from out of town and I wanted to treat them to pierogi since I'm Polish and pierogi are associated with Pittsburgh! I was so excited to stop by S&D to take some pierogi home to prepre later.
You can order all sorts of prepared pierogi from the window inside S&D but I opted to get some pierogi to make later from the refrigerator. These pierogi are all made fresh daily in-house. They had regular cheese/potato flavors but also fun and unique flavors like plum! I opted for a few cheddar and a few farmers cheese. The preparation instructions are on their website if you don't know how to cook them!
The girl behind the counter helped me pick out the kinds and quantity of kielbasa I should get. She took her time explaining all the different kinds since I didn't know what I was looking for (never seen so much kielbasa in my life!)
In the end my in-laws were obsessed with the meal and not one bite was leftover. Thank you S&D!!!