| - Never had my clothes tailored before so I thought I'd give it a shot. Walked in with 2 new brand new bras and told Lucy, front desk, that I needed to extend the back so it would wrap around me better and not be so tight. Also bought my own fabric for them as well which was not a problem. I TOLD HER that I needed 4 inches added. After taking my measurements SHE SUGGESTED, "might need 7 or 8". I said "oh, ok. That's fine" What was I supposed to say? I had never done this before and thought I'd leave it to the professionals so I agreed.
After SHE SUGGESTED the 7 or 8 inches she immediately told me that they would have the move the hook, or snappers, all the way to the right side of the bra, "BECAUSE OF THIS," she says (she holds it up and I don't know what the hell that's supposed to mean). At this point I didn't get to tell her what I wanted ??? Again, like SHE SUGGESTED previously, I said "ok thats fine" because again, leave it to the professionals right? After I said that I ASKED if there was ANY WAY that we could put the fabric on each side of the hooks to keep it centered in the back. AGAIN, SHE SAID "NO THAT WOULDN'T WORK" so I said okay,
I paid the $20, 10 for each bra, in advance, which she told me that I would not have to pay for until I picked it up, and left. 2 days later I picked it up and it was literally falling off of me. I took it back and it turns out that 11 inches was added to the back from the SUGGESTED 7 or 8; not a problem. I'm not mad. Everyone makes mistakes. They offer to fix it and I tell a different lady, because Lucy was off, that I wanted the original 4 inches that I came in for in the first place and not the SUGGESTED 7 or 8. No problem. Then I told her I wanted the fabric 2 inches on each side to keep the hooks centered like I asked for when I first came in and LUCY TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS NO WAY THAT WOULD WORK. They agree.
Lucy calls me 3 days later and says they'll fix the length to the 4 inches but if I want 2 inches on both sides to keep the hooks centered that I would have to pay another $10 for each bra.
Are you fuc*** kidding me! She told me that she couldn't do that in the first place!
Then she tried to use my words against me and told me that I said it would be fine to have the hooks all the way on the side. Again, her fuc** suggestion before I even got to tell her what I wanted. Like I agreed that it would be fine with the 7 or 8 suggested inches I agreed to? In my defense I DID ASK FOR THE HOOKS TO BE CENTERED before I paid and she told me that it could not be done. She tried to use what I said against me so she wouldn't take the fall for it even though IT WAS HER FAULT by telling me that it couldn't be done even after I asked. She pulled a double standard. 7 days later I'm still waiting for the mistake to be fixed and the hooks will not be centered because I was not willing to be scammed. It only took 2 days the first time.
What was so different about agreeing to her suggestion the first time from the second time, and then having to not pay for the first suggestion but having to pay for the second?
I'll never go to another alterations place. I'll do it myself from now on; and they'll be a picture when I pick it up. Google had a 5 star rating so I really was ready to give a 5 star review.