As far my firewood buying experience goes, this place is A #1. I love the wood I got here, I think they called it alligator wood or something like that. Anyway, it's good wood that burns slowly & smells nice. I have a condo & didn't want a massive amount of firewood, so it's nice they sell it in smaller $20 bundles.
The one negative is, that they don't take credit or debit. They do have one of those cheese ball ATM machines that you usually only find in shady bars & random bodegas. They lose one star in my near perfect firewood buying experience for that. It's almost 2011, & I bought a crepe this morning with a debit card, which was rung up on a smart phone app. I am fairly sure Berry Bros Firewood can figure this paying with plastic thing out. When they do, it's 5 stars all the way baby.