Our lock was dying...
We called Victory Locks and Tom, I believe was his name, came on a Friday night around 9pm. He cut out the old lock and put a new lock in. He covered where the old lock was with a cover plate. The problems were the plate didn't cover the hole where the old lock was and it was very apartment building looking. We were charged over $400.
We called him shortly after he left to say "Hey! There's a hole in our front door!"
He came back the next day and filled the hole. Now there's a big scar on the door which I need to fix. I feel that if I'm paying over $400 for a locksmith that when they are done with the job that the job is done. NOt leaving a giant scar on my door.
Tom has a very polite tone and sounds very nice but we felt ripped off. I wouldn't recommend going to Victory Locks for repairs.