I called Wolff for an estimate on getting Solar AC units was told that Daikin unit were better and more economical. Well Mike came out to my home gave me the tour on how I would save money on these unit and no cost for service .I said that is awesome BUT I do not want to have a finance payment that is going to be bigger than my average electric bill. So here is what it will cost to replace my units Daikin HH (2) DZ20VC0481A Variable Speed Heat Pumps 7958771 (2) 4 Ton 20.0 / 12.5
Daikin (2) DV48PVCD14A Variable Speed Air Handlers - - -
Daikin (2) Comfort Net (CTK04) Controllers & Bridge this totaled 27k OMG....... What the H*** Why would I want a finance payment of $251 per month. I pay for a full year of electric $2,994.15 if you divide 12 months $249 per month..... So they said it would save up to 50% of my bill. Lets be conservative an say the systems are so good they do 55% That would mean I would save $137 WOW..... So that means I have to pay $251 + $112 = $363 a month....... I spent more to save...... Do yourself a favor WOLFF give a estimated price first instead of wasting my time. Now I asked for SOLAR WHY???? when using the SUN there is no electric be used and then my ELECTRIC bill is LESS.... WOW what a concept.... Never got that Solar AC estimate.........
As of today still waiting on that SOLAR ESTIMATE.......
11/22/2015 Still nothing from them on installing SOLAR AC