| - If you've seen one Inn, you've seen all Inns. Only, most I've seen are shutting down faster than the Democrats will be leaving Congress this year. Nevertheless, I'm happy this particular one on Northern Ave and the Loop 101, is still in business.
Very clean, well laid out - even for its smaller size and it had an extremely friendly staff to both me and my father - who happens to be so much a regular, he says he'll have his regular and they recite back to him precisely what it was just to be sure. Rarely do you see that, especially in a chain. They were also extremely friendly with me, and happy to meet his son.
That all said, let's get down to the food. Oh, boy, it was, well, Luby's quality. I had chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, corn, clam chowder soup and it came with a biscuit and soft butter. Let's start with the positive: the chicken fried steak and it's seasoned gravy was very good. As was the biscuit and butter - that was delicious warm/soft butter. The soup was only adequate with its enormously small chunks of meat inside. The mashed potatoes were actually wet and/or runny inside - it was edible, but not by much. And finally the corn. How can you mess that up? Well, enough for me to take one bite and push it over to my father who must be used to it by now. That was the worst.
But, if the corn's the worst, then is the whole place not worth visiting? By all means NO...the staff and ambiance sincerely makes up for any shortcomings.
(Overall rating: 3.5/5 Stars. The following is rated by "out of five" stars.)
Ambiance: 4 - Very nice looking inside, well laid out.
Service: 5 - extremely friendly and personable.
Food Taste: 3 - see above.
Food Quality: 4 - well presented.
Cleanliness: 5 - Very clean, down to the restrooms.
Friendly Staff: 5 - See above.
Fast Busing: 5 - the waiter did all that, and extremely efficient, always with a smile and a chuckle.
Smoking Area: Outside to the immediate right. Not bad, includes a sitting area for smokers.
Would I Return?: If my father wanted to. I wouldn't go out of my way.
Would I Recommend?: Yes...sort of....
And to who?: If someone lived within 5 miles of it and if they were on a tight budget.
Additional Information: Without having to, the staff treated my father with the utmost respect and courtesy while showing genuine concern that his visit was enjoyable. If they did that for one person, chances are they will treat you the same way. Kudos to the hiring staff.