| - So, this is my first review, and I've already got writer's block. Im sitting here trying to think of witty and insightful things to say, but all I can come up with is "This place is super freakin good." I live right around the corner, so my favorite part is the short drunk stumble I can embark on from my crib or Bikini Lounge, which I also spend an unreasonable amount of time at. (Bikini review almost certain to follow). Since proximity is crucial to my lazy ass, no points deducted yet. The second obstacle became apparent the first time I walked in, rockin a Cleveland Cavs shirt, which the owner who's from Detroit immediately began to hate on. You see Cleveland and Detroit are in a constant heated battle for America's most ridiculed city, and we take it very seriously. After a quick shit talking show, I realized how nice of a guy he actually was, and decided that I liked a little civic-pride in my food-obtaining. It's a small joint, so there's usually two-max-three people in there and they make you feel like you walked in to their own homes for a nice meal. Friendly, personable, and happy to see you. Still at 5 stars.
Food: Pizza, sandwiches, salads, very basic.
Delicious. All of it. I've had pretty much everything available, and it's all tasted outstanding. Not often do you walk in to a small pizza/sandwich shop in a random neighborhood and get a quality Fish n Chips for like 6 bucks. The pizzas are unique and interesting, and almost all have toppings you wouldn't immediately think to combine on a pie. You'll learn that I'm extremely easy to please when it comes to basic foods, but the taste and portions at Valley Pizza always make me walk back over there and give them a high five (or low five or fist bump or whatever you're currently into).
All in all, I've been to Valley Pizza about 15 times now, and I've never been dissatisfied. I know giving something 5 stars on your first review sets a difficult precedent, but this is truly a hidden gem in a neighborhood known mostly for Bikini Lounge and the Grand Ave galleries. (Also for the occasional bum fight in the parking lot across from Bikini which if I could review I would give ten stars). Do yourself a favor and the next time youre in the mood for a pizza or a big-ass sandwich, give this place a shot. And if you dont agree, I'm right around the corner and you can come tell me why. I might jack you in the face, but my door's always open.