Normally I would rate Dos a 3 or better but last night I had a really bad experience. For starters as me and my friend walk in the door guy says "Are you sure you both are 21?" UM yeah I am almost 30 and my buddy just turned 30. So after showing our ID's we go in and grab some beers. The selection is ok mostly mexican beers which are fine but you better be ready to go pee about 50 times while drinking them. On one of my trips to the bathroom I get stopped by the same door guy who says "I was told you need to be escorted out. " I am totally confused as I am not even buzzed and didn't do anything wrong. So he says "Someone says you were swerving as you were walking". WHAT?????? I am not driving for one and for two I am able to walk perfectly fine. I walk a line for him and say see obviously not drunk. He tells me "Ya you seem ok so go ahead and stay" Like it's a privilege or something. So I go and get my buddy and we headed next door to Whitehouse which was a great decision.