Magnificent Maternity Ward
My wife and I just returned from having our baby delivered at Banner Estrella.
Delivery doctors and nurses communicated well and were open throughout the surgery. Baby was born healthy and they followed our baby plan. Transition to the maternity ward went swimmingly and it was hard not to be impressed by the strong processes in place-- shift changes, confirming med times, checking in on baby and mother, taking diagnostics, ensuring I was with our baby when the work had to be done outside of the room. Post-op comments on the doctor's work on my wife was positive from multiple docs. Heck, even the food at the cafeteria was good.
Do wish the maternity ward rooms were more hospitable for significant others. For example, a more comfortable bed (or even king-sized family bed), fridge, and bathroom space for a few toiletries would have made it about perfect. The surgery area is starting to show its age and is a bit cramped. Other than that, the staff was excellent all around.
Bottom line: Impressive experience because of a truly wonderful medical staff. And the new wing will be a great addition for the maternity ward come 2015. We were bumped twice because of a mass of deliveries. Still worked out superbly.