I have tasted pho in at least five other locations in Toronto before and I have to say this place is hands down the best to me. I grew up eating pho from a different restaurant, but the quality has gone down there.
Food & Presentation: I order only one thing from there and that is the small Pho Dac Biet. The broth has that signature aromatic fragrance. I never thought the rare beef to be off putting, but what you should do when your bowl is served to you is to take those chopsticks and sink them into the hot broth. I dip the meat in a mix of Hoisin and Sriracha sauce. The rice noodles are the right balance of soft and hard, smooth and the width is how I like it.
Atmosphere & Service: When you walk in, you are either seated immediately or you will have to wait in line. This place usually piles up fast, so the people who wait patiently in line really understand that the pho is worth it in the end. The interior and furniture are not modern, but it has the feeling of eating at a local place in Vietnam. To order, you write on an order slip or you can speak to the waiter.
Pricing: The small pho dac biet is $7 + tax. No complaints on pricing.
WARNING: They only take cash.