I've been going to this shop for years, a lot of these artists have become friends of mine (I'm not biased, theres a REASON I come here-the great art and the friendly people).
Pete Vaca is one of the best artists around! He's very talented, and his color work is amazing. I have a half sleeve and thigh piece that I always get complimented on, possibly more than my other tattoos (I have more than a few). Josh Carter is a great artist as well, I have one tattoo by him, a black & gray portrait which literally was the easiest tattoo experience I've ever had.. could've been the placement or the fact that we watched Step Brothers, either way it was awesome. Eric James is amazingly talented as well, I haven't been tattooed by him personally however my boyfriend has been tattooed by him multiple times.
Go there! There's some really well rounded artists and everyone is really easy to work with! Dont get some flash off the wall, go custom!