| - This place is worse than the Keystone cops--a total, disorganized clusterf**k. Where do I start, no one was around their MASSIVE parking lot when we attempted to return our car. NO ONE. There was a sign that said "E-receipt here". Sounded OK. It took forever just to get the car, and we got a free tank of gas because of it, so an E-receipt sounds good, right? Just drop off the car and catch our flight, especially since there was no one around? Hah! no. Apparently, when we approached the customer service desk to turn in the keys, the customer service guy said that using that line was for preferred customers only, and we needed to get back in the car and FIND the check out employee!!! We asked why it didn't specifically say that E-receipts were for preferred customers, and were told that "if you were a preferred customer, you would've just known." I don't need to guess what their stupid promo lines mean, not my job, I'm a CUSTOMER. We also mentioned to this guy that we couldn't find anyone to check out our car. He begins arguing that there IS someone out there---a woman--he "swears" she's out there, somewhere. My husband, fed up told the guy to either check us out officially, or we were throwing him the damn keys and leaving to catch our flight either way. We don't need a manual about what their signs mean, and we don't need to go chasing down their employees so that they can do their jobs, so he better get his ass on over and check us out, because we'd had it with him and AVIS. He checked us out. THEN, the (manager?) came out to see what was up. He was one of the guys who didn't have it together when we got the car, and gave us a tank of gas for taking forever. We let him know how pathetic the checkout procedures were, how pathetic their signage was, and how unavailable their personnel was. Enterprise has these guys beaten hands down. We will NEVER, EVER rent from AVIS again. If you do, then just know---you've been warned!!!