Usually this place is my go to for simple stuff and to skip the post office. However my last interaction wasn't great. I walked in and asked how much it would be to ship an item. The lady said "sure one sec i will be right with you" she was taking forever and a day. I had seen that she grabbed a box for the item, which was a camera lens hood and weighs next to nothing. I told her once again please tell me how much it is before, you make the order. Again she says ok one moment sir, to which she totals it to be 18$ which was bs. I told her thanks but no thanks, then she started to get an attitude with me. She said well we are better than the post office, to which i responded while not price wise. She became even more upset and pulled a douche move and said well i am charging you for the supplies, which sent me off. I told her multiple times let me know BEFORE you finalize the order. She knew she was in the wrong and it was a chump move. So then she awkwardly keeps my package behind the counter as if she is holding it hostage. I wanted to just grab it open it up and remove my item and tell her to keep her packing peanuts and box and shove it. So she ends up cheating me out of $7, I went to the post office and was able to ship my item for under $5. I heard from one of my family members that they had a similar occurrence. SO CUSTOMER BEWARE OF THIS SHADY MANEUVER.