| - I now firmly believe that yelp was created by someone who ate (or at least attempted) to ear here. 3 months ago my family came in and after 15-20 minutes without even being acknowledged, we left, and I then yelped. I was contacted by someone at Chompies who's important enough to man their yelp account, and told that my name was on a "list" and they'd "make it right" on my next visit. So, here we are 3 months later and my daughter wanted a bagel - so against my better judgment, we thought we'd give Chompies a chance to do what they previously promised to do, and make it right.
Keep in mind we arrived at about 1:30 in the afternoon and the place was half-full at best. Low and behold though, we had a case of some serious dejavu! After 10 minutes of many waiters walking by but not stopping or saying a word to us - I thought I'd go over to the bar area where they had a host, a waiter, and some girl with a name tag on but was sitting on an actual barstool, all having a great time. I told the host that we'd been there for 10 minutes and Yada Yada yada..and asked if there was a waiter that could assist. He said he get one for us, and another 5 minutes go by, still no service to speak of so we left.. again!! I was able to speak to a manager on the way out and voice my concern and she said she even remembered this happening to us the last time we were there. It boggles my mind how naturally it comes to practically everyone working there, that their customers don't matter. Well played Chompies, well played.