This store is not set up very well. It doesnt seem well organized or labeled. You have to jump around to different areas to find something that should have been somewhere else. There is a very long wait for help actually just for the first hint of an acknowledgement when you are waiting upstairs to speak to someone. The line waiting stands around wondering if they should be waiting for the one guy behind the counter that has been helping the same people for the last 10 minutes or if we should go get someone or maybe we dont get help maybe we have to search through their sea of disorganization all by ourselves. Finally someone comes because I finally pull out bitch rank and get aggressive. Everyone silently thanks me with their eyes. I get what I need and I am out bitches! LOL the line I could see was completely jealous however unable to be as aggressive so they stand suffering. I would avoid this place if at all possible like the plague in the future.