"Eek! Methinks not!" may be the exact exclamation of the next health inspector to walk in the front door. The first sight I've seen on my many trips here is cardboard boxes of liquid ice cream base stacked directly on the floor. Dairy and egg based liquids in the temperature danger zone is far from a proper thawing/food storage procedure. Today, pools of ice cream base had leaked on to the floor, so who knows how many hours those boxes sit out at room temperature.
They started selling cakes, and the chocoflan tasted good. I saw about 6 different varieties, but they weren't labeled. My husband works in a fabrication shop very close to here, and he really enjoys the unique alfalfa agua fresca. I just can't rationalize coming back to this dirty diner unless he really wants his drink.
Good news, Art of Flavors is open and selling fantastic gelato and sorbet a short 5 minute drive away from La Flor de Michoacan! It's worth it for the quality and sanitary conditions.