Cushy Life is another one of those if-I-could-afford-it-I'd-buy-it furniture stores in Calgary. It has all the usually suspects for the bed, living and dinning rooms. I would characterize its wares as practical modern. Whereas some similar stores may have pieces whose lines and looks defy the norm, I would say that CL's stuff is more practical, but does maintain elements of quirkiness. For example, there was a silver lamp that curved upwards about 8 feet high and the head of the lamp looked like a small hair salon dryer or black leather living room seating with isosceles triangle at the end acting as an arm rest. Functional yet funky.
My favourite piece would have to be a super cute foot and a half owl statue. It would really brighten up my living room and make it seem like I have some taste. Alas, I am a humble Arc with little resources at his disposal and am unwilling to sell my kidneys on the black market to obtain a desired object. Thus, I will settle for a pleasant window shopping experience and give Cushy Life a well deserved four stars. Now if you will excuse me, I'm off to buy a lotto ticket.