| - The biggest room in Vegas, and I think the best, too.
The front desk is always courteous, and I very rarely had to wait for a table. They start them up as soon a 9 are on the list, which is often.
The action is great. I think they're some locals playing 1-2, but its mostly tourists. Very soft game.
$2/hour comps which is nice, but the food is very expensive, so its not like you get rfb from poker comps or something.
If you stay at the hotel, there is a poker rate, and its really good. You need to play 6 hours/day which is a lot. But two players can split the hours if staying together. You need to book on the hotel's website though, to get the poker rate, not a third party.
Great, fast dealers. Great cocktails. Not cramped. Comfy chairs. This is a great room, with 24 hour action.